What We Believe
It’s all about Jesus.
We believe that everything starts with Him—He's our Savior, our Leader, and our Hope. He walked as God on Earth to free us from sin and offer salvation to all who believe. No matter where you are on your faith journey, we believe that you belong here. Life is full of twists and turns, but through it all, Jesus is our constant. We are a community that deeply cares about each person and seeks to be a place where you can grow, connect, and make a difference. Our faith compels us not only to gather within these walls but also to reach out, support our neighbors, and positively impact the world around us.
So come as you are; there's a place for you at Pinnacle Church.
We believe that everything starts with Him—He's our Savior, our Leader, and our Hope. He walked as God on Earth to free us from sin and offer salvation to all who believe. No matter where you are on your faith journey, we believe that you belong here. Life is full of twists and turns, but through it all, Jesus is our constant. We are a community that deeply cares about each person and seeks to be a place where you can grow, connect, and make a difference. Our faith compels us not only to gather within these walls but also to reach out, support our neighbors, and positively impact the world around us.
So come as you are; there's a place for you at Pinnacle Church.
Our Mission
To create environments where people can engage with Gods purpose for their life.
Our Process
Connect: Build meaningful relationships within our church community.
Grow: Deepen your faith through our messages and growth groups.
Serve: Use your gifts to make a difference within the church and community.
Send: Invite others to join you on your faith journey.
Grow: Deepen your faith through our messages and growth groups.
Serve: Use your gifts to make a difference within the church and community.
Send: Invite others to join you on your faith journey.
Our Story
In 2005, the door was opened for Pinnacle to partner with Biltmore Baptist Church to begin their ministry in Canton. With generous support, Pinnacle opened its doors for public services in March 2006 and for four years met at Pisgah High School. In 2010, Pinnacle Church moved into its new home where they reside to this day.
In 2022, Pinnacle Church joined the Irresistible Church Network, a community of like-minded churches committed to the vision of Acts 15:19—being a place where anyone, regardless of their faith background, can feel welcomed. This partnership reflects our dedication to sharing the irresistible message of Jesus in ways that resonate with our neighbors. As part of this network, we strive to create environments that are outward-facing, strategically organized, and deeply committed to our community and the next generation. Through this collaboration, we aim to embody God’s love and make our church a place where life-changing relationships can flourish.
In 2022, Pinnacle Church joined the Irresistible Church Network, a community of like-minded churches committed to the vision of Acts 15:19—being a place where anyone, regardless of their faith background, can feel welcomed. This partnership reflects our dedication to sharing the irresistible message of Jesus in ways that resonate with our neighbors. As part of this network, we strive to create environments that are outward-facing, strategically organized, and deeply committed to our community and the next generation. Through this collaboration, we aim to embody God’s love and make our church a place where life-changing relationships can flourish.
Core Values
Gospel Driven
Is my acceptance based on what I am doing or what Jesus has done?
Ephesians 2:8-9
Unconditional Compassion
Do I point a finger or do I hold out a hand?
Mark 12:31
Sacrificial Service
Is it about me or about we?
1 Peter 4:10
Joyful Generosity
Do I give with reluctance or joy?
2 Corinthians 9:6-7
Resourceful Ministry
Am I doing the best with what I have?
Matthew 25:14-30
Intentional Growth
Am I open to growing individually and corporately?
Ephesians 4:13-16
Is my acceptance based on what I am doing or what Jesus has done?
Ephesians 2:8-9
Unconditional Compassion
Do I point a finger or do I hold out a hand?
Mark 12:31
Sacrificial Service
Is it about me or about we?
1 Peter 4:10
Joyful Generosity
Do I give with reluctance or joy?
2 Corinthians 9:6-7
Resourceful Ministry
Am I doing the best with what I have?
Matthew 25:14-30
Intentional Growth
Am I open to growing individually and corporately?
Ephesians 4:13-16
What is the atmosphere of Pinnacle?
A casual atmosphere where friendships can form and relationships deepen.
Do I need to dress a certain way?
We say come as you are, so no dress code is required. We care more about you than what you are wearing.
What about Membership
We don’t have traditional membership, you won’t be able to “join” the church as a “member” – but we hope you become fully engaged in the life of the church. To learn more check out our partnership PDF
Why does Pinnacle not have Sunday School?
Instead of providing adult Sunday school classes on Sunday mornings in the church building, we provide small group environments, called Growth Groups, that meet at a variety of times during the week in people’s homes.